Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My kids school district WILL teach gay marriage and Jack O'Connell knows it!

My school district will teach gay marriage and Jack O'Connell knows it!

by Mike Spence

If Proposition 8 fails, my school district will teach gay marriage and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell knows it!
Of course, school board members like me, some teachers, and some parents will resist this type of instruction. But like the Borg in the Star Trek Series, the law, education code, judges and pro-gay marriage groups will eventually force their 'tolerant' view of gay marriage on all children in public schools.
This is how it will work in California public schools:
Education Code section 51933 makes it clear that schools that teach 'comprehensive sex education' have to teach, 'respect for marriage and committed relationships'. This is something no school district can get around.
It is the choice of school districts whether or not they teach sex education. This is why the Anti- Proposition 8 campaign and Jack O'Connell say there is no requirement to teach about marriage.
What Jack O'Connell knows but doesn't say is that 96% of school districts teach comprehensive sex education. Those numbers are from O'Connell's California Department of Education. 96% must teach respect for marriage.

The only way out is to end sex education programs in all these school districts. That is something that just won't happen. Look at the outcry that takes place when boards try to emphasize more abstinence. The same groups against Proposition 8 strongly support sex education in our schools. As does O'Connell. They along with the education establishment that created sex education will fight anyone that tries to abolish it.
As you can see, Jack O'Connell saying that Proposition 8 doesn't affect children in schools is like saying the Governor's proposed sales tax hike won't affect people, because there is no mandate that they buy products covered by the sales tax.

But it isn't just sex education that's affected. Look at last year's California Association of Teachers of English Conference. One workshop was entitled 'Reading and Writing Beyond the Closet: LGBTQ Inclusion in the English Classroom'. (For those new to the acronyms it is Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Trans-gendered, and Questioning). The 2009 conference has a whole strand on the topic.

Teen fiction, elementary school reading books, and history are all fair game. Over ten years ago, the leaders of the West Covina teachers union sued me because I tried to stop a workshop for middle school teachers called 'Out of The Closet, Into The Classroom'.

Passage of SB 777, which expanded discrimination law to include ANYTHING that might discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, or a classification in hate crime statutes, also impacts every aspect of educational activities.

This was before the debate about Proposition 8.

In their decision on the marriage case, the State Supreme Court found that by its very nature, limiting marriage to that between a man and a woman is discrimination based on sexual orientation.

How is a teacher, parent, or school board member going to overcome the Supreme Court, State law, and the educational establishment?

That brings us to opt-out provisions in California law. The very fact that Anti-Proposition 8 folks cite the opt-out provision should be a wake-up call that gay marriage will be taught and they know it. Otherwise, why bring up opt-out provisions?

The opt-out provision is very narrow in California and is limited to 'sexually explicit content' that describes the functions of reproductive organs. That's it. Some have pointed out that two children from the infamous first grade class field trip to a same-sex marriage didn't go. They didn't go because it was an off-campus trip and permission is needed to leave campus. Had the marriage been done on the school campus, parents would not need to be notified nor allowed to opt-out.

You don't have to believe me. Believe the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR). NCLR has given $300,000 to the No on Prop 8 campaign and its Executive Director is on the No on 8 Steering Committee. Their legal analysis, LGBT Legal Issues for School Attorneys, says:

'State law explicitly provides that 'instruction or materials that discuss gender, sexual orientation, or family life and do not discuss human reproductive organs and their functions' is not subject to the parental notice and opt-out laws. California Education Code § 51932(b).' (Pg.31)

There is no opt-out for gay marriage and the legal and educational establishment is dedicated to using existing law to force it on public schools.

When you see the advertisements with Jack O'Connell saying that Proposition 8 is not going to lead to gay marriage being taught in schools, he is either a fool or trying to fool you and that is shameful.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Targeting Mormons Campaign

It is sad, but true. The Daily Kos is asking for those opposed to Prop 8 to specifically target and harrass Mormons who are donating to the cause. Just Mormons, mind you. Not the others who have also contributed for traditional marriage. Just the Mormons.



Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's Far Worse than people Realize...

Below is a very interesting article about the consequences of Same-Sex marriage in Massachussets. It's the most in-depth information I have found thus far. I thought it was rather scary and a lot worse than even I had realized.

Please take a moment to read the article below.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Gay Day" For Kindergardners...

School holds surprise 'Gay' Day for kindergartners
Parents outraged at public elementary's secretive 'coming out' event

Posted: October 22, 2008
9:34 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Some parents are shocked to find their children are learning to be homosexual allies and will participate in "Coming Out Day" at a public elementary school tomorrow – and they claim the school failed to notify parents.

One mother of a kindergartner who attends Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science, a K-8 charter school in Hayward, Calif., said she asked her 5-year-old daughter what she was learning at school.

The little girl replied, "We're learning to be allies."

The mother also said a Gay Straight Alliance club regularly meets in the kindergarten classroom during lunch.

According to a Pacific Justice Institute report, Faith Ringgold opted not to inform the parents of its pro-homosexual activities beforehand. The school is celebrating "Gay and Lesbian History Month" and is in the process of observing "Ally Week," a pro-"gay" occasion usually geared toward high school students.

The school is scheduled to host discussions about families and has posted fliers on school grounds portraying only homosexuals. According to the report, a "TransAction Gender-Bender Read-Aloud" will take place Nov. 20. Students will listen to traditional stories with "gay" or transgender twists, to include "Jane and the Beanstalk."

Some parents only recently noticed posters promoting tomorrow's "Coming Out Day." When WND contacted the school to confirm the event, a representative replied, "Yes, it is scheduled on our calendar."

When asked if the school made any efforts to inform parents, she refused to answer and said the Hayward Unified School District would have to respond to additional questions. However, the district did not answer its phones or e-mails, and a voicemail recording would not take messages. "Coming Out Day" is not listed on the district's online school calendar.

Some of the parents contacted Pacific Justice Institute for representation when they learned the school was pushing pro-"gay" events for young children without warning.

Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, said opponents of California's proposed ban on same-sex marriage, or Proposition 8, often say the measure would not have an effect on public schools – but this is one of many recent developments that prove otherwise.

"Do we need any further proof that gay activists will target children as early as possible?" he asked. "Opponents of traditional marriage keep telling us that Prop. 8 has nothing to do with education. In reality, they want to push the gay lifestyle on kindergartners, and we can only imagine how much worse it will be if Prop. 8 is defeated. This is not a scenario most Californians want replayed in their elementary schools."

Concerned individuals may contact Faith Ringgold School of Art and Science by calling (510) 889-7399 or e-mailing Principal Gurbakhash Bittikofer. The Hayward Unified School District can be reached at (510)784-2600 or by filling out the district contact form.

"Think about it"

My friend Matt wrote an interesting blog about his ideas about proposition 8 on his blog.

Check it out.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prop 8 in plain English

I do

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New widget for blog to show support

There's a new widget available at preservingmarriage.org. Show your support by posting it on your blog.

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Yes on 8 ad

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Graders taken to SF city hall for gay wedding..

I think this article explains it all...

October 11, 2008
Contact: Chip White/Sonja Eddings Brown, 916-215-4392

SAN FRANCISCO, October 11 – In the same week that the No on 8 campaign launched an ad that labeled as “lies” claims that same-sex marriage would be taught in schools to young children, a first grade class took a school-sponsored trip to a gay wedding. Eighteen first graders traveled to San Francisco City Hall Friday for the wedding of their teacher and her lesbian partner, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The school sponsored the trip for the students, ages 5 and 6, taking them away from their studies for the same-sex wedding. According to the Yes on 8 campaign, the public school field trip demonstrates that the California Supreme Court's decision to legal same-sex marriage has real consequences.

"Taking children out of school for a same-sex wedding is not customary education. This is promoting same-sex marriage and indoctrinating young kids," said Yes on 8—ProtectMarriage.com Campaign Co-Manager Frank Schubert. "I doubt the school has ever taken kids on a field trip to a traditional wedding," Schubert said.

When asked by the Yes on 8 campaign, The San Francisco Chronicle reporter said she did not know if the school had ever sponsored a field trip for students to a traditional wedding. Telling the Chronicle that the field trip was "a teachable moment," the school's principal believes it is perfectly appropriate for first graders to attend a same-sex wedding. Officials in other school districts disagree.

"Prop. 8 protects our children from being taught in public schools that 'same-sex marriage' is the same as traditional marriage," said Santa Ana Unified School District board member Rosemarie "Rosie" Avila. "We should not accept a court decision that results in public schools teaching our kids that gay marriage is okay. That is an issue for parents to discuss with their children according to their own values and beliefs. It shouldn't be forced on us against our will," Avila added.

The lesbian teacher's wedding was officiated by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. Newsom is featured in a Yes on 8 television ad, released last week, in which he arrogantly declares of same-sex marriage: "The door's wide open now. It's gonna happen, whether you like it or not."

The Yes on 8 campaign's ads explain that if the voters do not overturn the California Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling, teachers will be required to teach young children that there is no difference between gay marriage and traditional marriage. “It's totally unreasonable that a first grade field trip would be to a same-sex wedding," said Chip White, Press Secretary for Yes on 8. "This is overt indoctrination of children who are too young to understand it.” The field trip underscores the Yes on 8 campaign’s message that unless Prop. 8 passes, children will be taught about same-sex marriage in public schools. “Not only can it happen, it has already happened,” White said.

Connecticut legalizes same-sex marriage

Like we were warned by Elder Ballard on Weds. night, because it is legal for same-sex couples to marry in California other states will inevetablly follow. A month shy of election time and the same thing that happened in Massachussetts and in California has happened in Connecticut with a 4 - 3 judge ruling. And a hearing on the legalization of same-sex marriage in Iowa is scheduled for next week.

Vote yes on Prop 8 and show your support in traditional marriage! Judges do NOT have the right to change the definitions of marriage and what it is!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another way to help...

Here is another way for us to spread the word and get the information out there for people who are researching so they can see both sides of the proposition fairly.

By linking your blogs to other well known sites it can increase their traffic and hopefully be able to spread the information out there for supporting the measure prop8. This morning I was surprised at how few sites are out there even when searching "Yes on Prop 8" on google.

Please view sites that you know are spreading the word about traditional marriage! Please let everyone know about the information that is out there! Post articles with their links so their traffic can be higher. Help spread the word!

Here is an awesome site that explains what the proposition means and on the front page has 6 consequences of what will happen if the measure fails for the families and people of California and eventually the entire Nation.


Link it to your site.

Show the Media you support Prop. 8

Another article for those who want to take a stand and support Prop. 8

Show the Media You’re Out There, Support Prop. 8

by Sonja Eddings Brown - Deputy Communications Director on October 5th, 2008

There’s nothing quite like being on the front lines for Prop. 8, interacting with the media, trying to carry our message to reporters, answering questions with three lines ringing and a TV crew on the way. Proposition 8 is the 2nd biggest race in the country this November, it will be everywhere. I want you all to know that I will do my very best to represent the cause. There isn’t a lot of sympathy for traditional marriage in general in newsrooms across the country, and you might occasionally wonder if my comments are being treated fairly. That’s the nature of politics, that’s the nature of news. I just keep moving.

This past week we sat down with the Los Angeles Daily NewsEditorial Board. ProtectMarriage made its case, and tried to answer the questions of the Board. Generally, big city newspapers are opposing Proposition 8, but we don’t mind. We have the people behind us. The community papers in your area, which you probably do read, seem a bit more in touch with their readers and do support traditional marriage. As a media representative for the campaign I meet reporters, government and interfaith leaders, supporters, opponents and the studying public almost every day. Our message is getting through. The campaign’s first commercial “Whether You Like It Or Not” is on the tips of tongues. We will continue to build on that, and inform the public about the serious consequences that await if the personal agenda of San Francisco Mayor Newsome succeeds.

You can really help. I keep telling the media that you’re out there. SHOW THEM. Plant your values on your front lawns. As a supporter of Prop. 8 you are about to be part of the largest grassroots campaign ever assembled in the U.S.

This is your opportunity to remind the California Supreme Court that the constitution still begins with “We The People…..”

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Preserving Marriage

We can express our views. I understand that there are people out there with differing views and I can respect our difference of opinion. Please do the same with us. This is more than just an issue of civil rights. Though this is a moral issue, it's more than just a moral issue. This is an issue that for many of us will impact our life and the way we raise our children and live our lives in our education, work practices and with our religion.

Please take a moment to watch the following video from the website preservingmarriage.org. I listed their main point about prop 8 below.

Young adults from California discuss their involvement in preserving traditional marriage.

Having tolerance without condoning - We can love someone while still maintaining and advocating our standards and beliefs.
Unless Proposition 8 passes, California society will soon undergo a profound change in its basic understanding of marriage and family life.
That will affect everyone in numerous ways. Over time, greater acceptance of nontraditional marriage will be demanded of all people. This could impact the ability of any religion to teach and practice its beliefs.
Proposition 8 will not hurt gays - In California, the law provides for marriage-related benefits to be given to civil unions and domestic partnerships. Proposition 8 does not diminish these benefits. Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt children.
If gay marriage remains legal, public schools will put it on equal footing with traditional marriage. Children will likely receive “age appropriate” information about sexual relations within heterosexual and homosexual marriages.
Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt churches - The court’s decision will inevitably lead to conflicts with religious liberty and free speech rights. Society will become more and more hostile to traditional beliefs about marriage and family.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008